The KORG TRITON STUDIO 88 , KAWAI CA- 40, 6'1" grand piano
Design Acoustics D-12A dodecahedron omnidirectional monitors
Sheena Grobb recording The Breakless Heart
Deborah Judith at the KORGe
Jackson Gabriel on vocals
Every studio's story has a basic necessity underlying it. ClearLightSound's reason for existing is to make professional quality music creation available and accessible to anyone. We have worked on a wide range of musical styles and configurations. Mixing, mastering and restoration for all musical genres are part of the studio's services. In addition, CLS's high definition multitrack remote recording capabilities make it possible to record any form of music in any location. The studio also functions as a concert venue, and we are able to broadcast high quality audio and video LIVE over the internet at http://www.justin.tv/etnada. Our many presentations and broadcasts can be seen on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/etnada0 Elaborately set video shoots can be staged here as well... Through creative imagination, ever more inspired and fun applications are being found for the space.
With its unique poly-rainbow fence and deck, ClearLightSound is an easily recognizable area landmark. Located in an early 20th century three story home that was formerly the Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Centre in Winnipeg, the recording area is now in what was the main meditation hall. It is roomy yet intimate. The walls are adorned with a fine art photographic exhibit of E.T. Nada's work. On the other side of the wall is the control room containing both the sound recording console and the graphics production equipment. The over all recording and production space is functional, comfortable and elegant. Because it is in a home, it's easy to relax and enjoy the musical experience.

• KAWAI CA-40, 6'1" Grand Piano
• KORG TRITON STUDIO 88 Music Workstation/Sampler
• NAD, DENON, EICO power amps
• Signet Surround, Design Acoustics D12A, JBL & Yamaha Studio Monitor speakers
• Apple Mac Pro '08 2.8 GHz XEON 8-core; 18 GB RAM; 4x1TB HDs; 20 TB storage, Geforce GTX 285 video card and Bluray Writer w/ 27" Samsung SA850 hi def monitor
• Apple G5 Quad-core 2.5 GHz Superdrive tower w/ 2 monitor set-up
• Apple G4 Dual 1 GHz Superdrive tower w/ 2 monitor set-up
• Apple MacBook Pro 17" 2.66 GHz Superdrive for remote recording
• Avalon AD2022 - Symmetrical Pure Class A design, 2 channel Preamp
• Black Lion Audio Signature Digi002 24 bit/ 96 KHz audio interface w/ 4 XLR mic/pres, etc.
• Black Lion Audio Modified MOTU 896HD 24 bit/192 KHz analog/digital converters w/ 8 XLR mic/pres
• MOTU 896 24 bit/192 KHz analog/digital converters w/ 8 XLR mic/pres
• Digi 001
• Digital Performer, Cubase, Logic Pro & Pro Tools, Wavelab DAW software for MIDI and Audio recording, mixing and mastering
• Waves Diamond + & hundreds of other music production effects
• Lexicon MX 200 reverb
• ART Head Amp Pro 6 headphone amplifier
• Wirecast 4 HD Live streaming production software
• Surround 5.1 mixing/mastering capabilities
• Final Cut Studio & Final Cut Pro X for editing, various video formats, DVD mastering
• Microphones - AKG C-414, AudioTechnica 4050, Miktek CV4, MXL V77, MXL 603, MXL 2001, MXL 2003, Neumann KMS-105, Shure Beta 58, Shure SM 7B, Shure SM 57, Shure Super 55, Sennheiser EW100 G2 remote transmitter with HSP4 headset.
• AKG, Sony & AudioTechnica Studio headphones
• Microboards & LG MODISC Duplicators
• Apple 9600 tower with 2 monitor set-up for graphic design scanning
• Nikon Slide film, Epson Perfection V600 Slide film & Umax flatbed scanners
• Epson Photo, Lexmark Color Laser Printers
• Revox A77 & Sony TC 355 reel to reel tape decks; Technics TR 575 cassette deck
• Tascam DA-P1 DAT recorder
• DataVideo DAC-200 video converter; DataVideo TBC 1000
• Toshiba W707 6-head VCR
• Sony 1080p HD, Panasonic & Canon camcorders
• Modified Sherwood PD 701B turntable with Grado cartridge
• Modified BSR UA14 turntable for 78 rpm records
• Sony XGA VPL-EX7 video projector; Da-Lite 120" projection screen
• Etc…
The Control Room
Graphic Design Work Station |
Acoustic sessions
Piano sessions
Vocal Booth
Bass & Drum Booths
Live Internet Video Broadcasting
Remote Live Recording